Striving for Wicked Sick Air!

Saturday, August 06, 2005


What is Zithromax you ask. Well, $40 and a doctors visit later, this is what becky has. Any of you out thursday morning remember becky launching out of her bindings and slapping the water so hard, it actually put a hole in her ear drum. Yes, a hole. She was blowing her nose and her ear whistled. Maybe we need a helmet. Between her and Pat we've had quite the show of faceplants.

So Zithromax is a 5 day medicine for infections.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is Wesley Brown and i would like to show you my personal experience with Zithromax.

I am 45 years old. Have been on Zithromax for 2 days now. I took this drug (generic azithro 500 mg bid) to get rid of an 2+ week old sinus infection that did not clear with decongestants and antihistamines. The drug made a substantial difference within 2 days. I'm a physician and needed to return to work, and the tiredness was just excessive, so I stopped the drug after 48-72 hours. The infection did not return. I would take this drug again if I needed to kill off an infection. I don't expect to feel good all the time. If a drug is making me healthy in a particular way, it's up to me to weigh that benefit against the cost of side effects.

I have experienced some of these side effects -
Fatigue. I just didn't want to move or get out of bed while on the drug; it was a bit hard to figure out that this was an effect of the medication rather than the sinusitis. Otherwise I was fine.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Wesley Brown

Zithromax Side Effects

12:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Generics zithromax is a worthy option to eliminate any infection. talking about generics my favorite is Cheap Viagra Online another great medicine against ED and similar problems.

10:34 AM


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