Striving for Wicked Sick Air!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

$150 copay

I must say that a smile came across my face as a new post on the blog arrived from Team Rider Peterson. And, Mad Air Hoeger is listed as a member! swweeett. For any of you to post, her's how. 1.Click the e-blogger icon in the upper left corner 2. log in 3. click the + sign next to wakeboard throwdown. "Ding" you have now blogged.

I am missing the air time in sammamish this week. Vacation or not, i miss the lake after 2 weeks of sick morning water.

An update on Becky's ear. She's finished her doses of zithromax with no relief. Pain and drainage have not subsided. I'm totaling her drainage somewhere around 6 teaspoons of something. not sure what drains out your ear, but it's kind of gross. I wish i had a pic. So we're in Great Falls for 2 days and the 2 ear,nose & throat Drs living in this town are unavailable due to an office re-model. The only way to see one is to go to the ER. and that, my friends, is a $150 co-pay. Becky's words, "Yeah Right"


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