Striving for Wicked Sick Air!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Flyn' without Tryn' dot com

Epic morning on a foggy lake Sammamish. This morning has been dubbed as 'Flying without Trying" (dot com) A few noteable highlights
  • Figure eight knot "what the heck is that"
  • Remind me to never go climbing with those two yo-hoos.
  • Behee clears the wake and attempts butterslide landing
  • Hoeger breaches the world of grabs. They are knocking loudly.
  • A vist from Bob
  • Our designated driver lives vicariously, but "without the pain"

Update on Becky's ear: She visited the ENT doc today with an offical diagnosis of broken ear drum. Perscription for some ear drops. Suggested she use ear plugs, but no need for helmet. What kind of doctor says you shouldn't wear a helmet??? A good one i guess- means more business when you break your body. Medical ethics at their finest.

Here's a pic of the crash that broke the ear drum. Notice the front edge

Here is my reaction after the fall. Thats going to leave a mark....


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