Striving for Wicked Sick Air!

Monday, August 22, 2005

CTM & Job Description

Let me start by saying the below picture of Corn-Dog is perhaps one of the best digital images known to man. Soooderlund-- good to see you posting. I've heard you have your own blog now. I'll post the link to the right under 'Can the Man'. Well done young Grasshopper.

2 things this rainy morning. Becky and I put the boat in the tent last night and it was like taking your dog to the kennel. After 3 or 4 minutes of uncontrollable sobbing I managed to pull myself together and close the gate. Here's the current forecast for the week.

Wed and Thursday 78 & 80

Team Rider Behee- I was reading through the volunteer brochure opportunities from the program sunday and there was one more that needs to be added.

Boat Owner/Driver-
One Wednesday per week - 6:30am-10:00am
Do you have a sweet wakeboard boat and like to drive it? If so, this is the job for you. Job includes pulling 5 pro-riders in-training every wednesday morning on Lake Sammamish. Requires a dock, boat with 3 foot wake, and a wife/husband who can make good pancakes. Digital SLR camera helpful, but not necessary. Deep pockets with gas $$ a must.


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