Striving for Wicked Sick Air!

Monday, August 29, 2005

Fakie vs Switch

Great wedding Petersons... Looking forward to having you all back in the boat. Found this good forum on some terms.. thought my team riders might like it.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

say what

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I'm Pregnant, Now What?

i'd like to be invited to the blog please. i realize i've been very absent from team riding rehearsals, but i swear i have the best excuse. no, not a broken eardrum, or thumb for that matter. my doc told me to take it easy for the next many months as lil' sod needs a "safe" environment to grow and develop into a full fledge sod. so for now, this team rider will be riding the boat- but can i still be invited, please? oh, btw, this info regarding developing lil'sod is still on the downlow, keep it to yourselves! or the whole internet- you know what i mean. peace. happy trails.

Monday, August 22, 2005

CTM & Job Description

Let me start by saying the below picture of Corn-Dog is perhaps one of the best digital images known to man. Soooderlund-- good to see you posting. I've heard you have your own blog now. I'll post the link to the right under 'Can the Man'. Well done young Grasshopper.

2 things this rainy morning. Becky and I put the boat in the tent last night and it was like taking your dog to the kennel. After 3 or 4 minutes of uncontrollable sobbing I managed to pull myself together and close the gate. Here's the current forecast for the week.

Wed and Thursday 78 & 80

Team Rider Behee- I was reading through the volunteer brochure opportunities from the program sunday and there was one more that needs to be added.

Boat Owner/Driver-
One Wednesday per week - 6:30am-10:00am
Do you have a sweet wakeboard boat and like to drive it? If so, this is the job for you. Job includes pulling 5 pro-riders in-training every wednesday morning on Lake Sammamish. Requires a dock, boat with 3 foot wake, and a wife/husband who can make good pancakes. Digital SLR camera helpful, but not necessary. Deep pockets with gas $$ a must.

Friday, August 19, 2005

What Happens in the boat Stays in the boat

Chris who? ...with a broken thumb? ... never heard of him.

Chris Who reminds me of Koti Ho. Speaking of Koti, I found the website for the Lake Sammamish Buoy. Gives temperature and water quality info. All kinds of fun stuff. Doesn't appear real time, but is at least updated on a daily basis. We will need to learn how to read Celsius temp. all i remember is 23 C = 73 F. Here's the site.

I've also posted a link to the temperature graph on the right side under links for quick reference. Does anyone read this blog?

Good two days in the water folks. We need to get something brainstormed for the Witty's. Maybe a gift certificate and a set of Team Rider T-Shirts or something. Aaron, if you got any good pics this morning I'd love to have copies. Until next week on Smack-Mammish- Peace.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Flyn' without Tryn' dot com

Epic morning on a foggy lake Sammamish. This morning has been dubbed as 'Flying without Trying" (dot com) A few noteable highlights
  • Figure eight knot "what the heck is that"
  • Remind me to never go climbing with those two yo-hoos.
  • Behee clears the wake and attempts butterslide landing
  • Hoeger breaches the world of grabs. They are knocking loudly.
  • A vist from Bob
  • Our designated driver lives vicariously, but "without the pain"

Update on Becky's ear: She visited the ENT doc today with an offical diagnosis of broken ear drum. Perscription for some ear drops. Suggested she use ear plugs, but no need for helmet. What kind of doctor says you shouldn't wear a helmet??? A good one i guess- means more business when you break your body. Medical ethics at their finest.

Here's a pic of the crash that broke the ear drum. Notice the front edge

Here is my reaction after the fall. Thats going to leave a mark....

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Rope Length

I've been doing some research on rope length after the mad hops at the greens yesterday. (Stac- thanks for the invite. Aaron Phillips needs to be a team rider when he grows up. The kid's a natural.) Something was crazy different, and I'm not sure if it was rope length or wake size. could be both. Any who- different peeps seem to have a variety of preferences of rope length. Most popular seem to be btwn 45 and 65 feet. check out the link above for a rope manufacturer.

Tomorrow! First day back on smack-mammish! Can't wait.

Soderlund- How's them t-shirts coming?
Peterson- Can we get our hands on the pics from Pat's SLR?

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

T-shirt musings

is this not halarious for a t-shirt??? I can't stop snickering

Counterfeit This

Behee- Glad to see your post. Welcome to the blog. Check out this link.

We definately need to start a collection of wakeboarding dvds. maybe we can have a fall garage sale. Soderlund has a nice lawn mower we can get at least a couple hundred bucks from.

Becky is going to the Doc tomorrow. a specialist too. Maybe someone else should follow suit. I won't name names, but his initials are broken thumb Peterson.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

$150 copay

I must say that a smile came across my face as a new post on the blog arrived from Team Rider Peterson. And, Mad Air Hoeger is listed as a member! swweeett. For any of you to post, her's how. 1.Click the e-blogger icon in the upper left corner 2. log in 3. click the + sign next to wakeboard throwdown. "Ding" you have now blogged.

I am missing the air time in sammamish this week. Vacation or not, i miss the lake after 2 weeks of sick morning water.

An update on Becky's ear. She's finished her doses of zithromax with no relief. Pain and drainage have not subsided. I'm totaling her drainage somewhere around 6 teaspoons of something. not sure what drains out your ear, but it's kind of gross. I wish i had a pic. So we're in Great Falls for 2 days and the 2 ear,nose & throat Drs living in this town are unavailable due to an office re-model. The only way to see one is to go to the ER. and that, my friends, is a $150 co-pay. Becky's words, "Yeah Right"

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Becky's on drugs day 2

Well, we're on day 2 of the zithromax stuff. Becky has estimated that about 1 teaspoon of fluid has come out of her ear so far. She's walking around with a bunch of q-tips for drainage control. I didnt' see this in the disclaimer about side effects

Feeling the need to board. It's been 2 days. Team Rider Behee, however is kicking it on Lake Roosevelt and i'm sure catching some huge air with all the kiddies. Getting paid to wakeboard- I've got to figure that out

Saturday, August 06, 2005


What is Zithromax you ask. Well, $40 and a doctors visit later, this is what becky has. Any of you out thursday morning remember becky launching out of her bindings and slapping the water so hard, it actually put a hole in her ear drum. Yes, a hole. She was blowing her nose and her ear whistled. Maybe we need a helmet. Between her and Pat we've had quite the show of faceplants.

So Zithromax is a 5 day medicine for infections.

A Pat on the back

Pctually, it was a pat on the face. His face.

What a great morning yesterday on the lake. Our brother Pat joined us for some early morning wakeboarding and he brought this sick camera. some 8billion pixel SLR DSL ABC thing that could focus on the international space station if you wanted. It was sweet. Haven't seen the pics yet, but it must of taken about 400 between the three of us.

Anyway, back to pats face, gotta switch computers.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Poisoning the Fish

Poisoning the fish seems to be a pretty common thing now days. Not sure what it is about boys and jumping in the water. It somehow automatically creates a need. enough on that topic, a girl might be reading this.

On to other topics, we saw a sick ride today by our 'friends' in the Malibu and thier 3ft wake. We saw a Whirlybird w/o the twist. If it wasn't so cold, we might be able to do one of those. Behee braved the first ride with out complaint. I think it was only because the bindings were already set up for her, but either way, it was offically butt cold this morning. I sent out some invites today to try and get some other posts here. I hope you all join and keep this thing fun.

Soderlund should be joining us tomorrow, as Hoeger is off to the Big Sky state. Becky says she's going to ride thursday and friday. sweet. Huge air!

Monday, August 01, 2005

Cool Runnings

This is a blog to discuss wakeboarding. Its ups, its downs, and it's faceplants.

This morning's boarding was sick. (ha) thats the first time i've actually written sick in a sentence, but i love it. little choppy at first, but peterson found the good water and we were havin an air show. sick.

Tried some ollies today, but it was decided that a 180 from an ollie in the flats will prove to be quite difficult. Could produce a yard sale. maybe a wake to wake 180 is the next step, but soderlund needs to get us that DVD to find out how to do it. I'm holding his yellow shorts hostage.