Striving for Wicked Sick Air!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I'm Pregnant, Now What?

i'd like to be invited to the blog please. i realize i've been very absent from team riding rehearsals, but i swear i have the best excuse. no, not a broken eardrum, or thumb for that matter. my doc told me to take it easy for the next many months as lil' sod needs a "safe" environment to grow and develop into a full fledge sod. so for now, this team rider will be riding the boat- but can i still be invited, please? oh, btw, this info regarding developing lil'sod is still on the downlow, keep it to yourselves! or the whole internet- you know what i mean. peace. happy trails.


Blogger JD said...

Now that's what I call funny!

10:07 PM


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